Managed website hosting

* Content Management System with online interface optimized for publishers
* Managed hosting
* 99.9% guaranteed uptime
* Domain name registration and management for your sites

Pressflex hosts and maintains many publications and blogs ranging from small mags with a few thousand pageviews per day to high-traffic sites with more than 9 million pageviews per day. Due to hosting many sites, our resource-lean, optimized CMS and our years of expertise in hosting and site management, we can offer our client-proven services to you at the fraction of in-house solutions.

Client sites reside on servers operated at Pressflex's expense. Pressflex uses a content delivery network (CDN) in distributed data storage facilities to ensure the fastest available connectivity speeds to users all over the world. The network spans 17 locations across 3 continents, including New York, Dallas, London, Amsterdam and Hong Kong.

Our servers are hosted in secure, earthquake-proof facilities with redundant power supply and HVAC systems. Redundant components ensure uptime and eliminate any single point of failure. The network is multi-homed through multiple redundant high-speed connections providing fast, reliable connectivity.

Our managed hosting packages include our Content Management System (CMS) as well. The easy-to-use Pressflex CMS is optimized for publishers and enables traditional print-based publishers to upload content from a variety of sources - such as InDesign, XML - and to edit, tag and publish the uploaded content themselves.

The Pressflex Services:


The OECD Observer magazine has jumped from being invisible to being highly ranked on the world�s main search engines. Pressflex has done what it said it would do when we teamed up in 1999.

Rory Clarke Editor, OECD Observer
